• Career

    Haters gonna hate: Dealing with criticism

    Criticism is part and parcel of academic work. It is embedded in journal reviewer reports, conference questions and grant reports. We need criticism: it can help us to see our work in a new light, overcome road blocks, and reach our full academic potential. The problem occurs, however, when criticism is no longer constructive but destructive. So how can we deal with potentially destructive feedback? We spoke with Professor Katy Barnett as part of Melbourne Law School’s Early Career Network seminar series about how we should navigate criticism. Here are our ideas and suggestions: 1. Recognise that destructive feedback is not about you: it reflects the person’s own insecurities or…

  • Career

    Academic De-cluttering

    It seems like de-cluttering is all the rage at the moment. Whether it be our sock drawer or that odd cupboard with kitchen utensils, sorting, clearing and rearranging our lives can give us a feeling of empowerment and control, and help to reveal what is really important. But what about our professional lives? Are they in need of de-cluttering also? Academic careers are funny things: as we become more senior, there are more opportunities, more invitations, and more projects to get involved in. We sometimes become so busy that there isn’t a chance to think strategically about what we are saying ‘yes’ to, and why. While it may be hard…